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TPCODL works under toughest of conditions in Kalbaisakhi for speedy restoration of power supply

TPCODL Linemen & Engineers work under toughest of conditions during Kalbaisakhi to ensure speedy restoration of power supply

- Team of 7,700 + ground staff ready to takes immediate action after Kalbaisakhi storm

- Braves fallen trees, torrential rains, high speed winds, uprooted poles, entangled mesh of live wires, sunken roads

- Works tirelessly day and night across broken roads, river side, forest and remote areas

Bhubaneswar, June 13th, 2023: With a Kalbaishakhi storm hitting multiple times in the last fortnight, causing significant damage to power infrastructure within a matter of hours, TPCODL with its dedicated 7,700+ ground staff, linemen, and engineers have demonstrated their unwavering commitment to restore power supply to the region in the shortest time.

At a time when majority of people stay indoors, the team has braved fallen trees, torrential rains, high speed winds, uprooted poles, entangled mesh of live wires, sunken roads and they have worked tirelessly day and night across terrains such as broken roads, river beds, forest areas to successfully restore power supply to even the remotest of areas. The work of these on-field staff has helped benefit over 6,00,000 customers in the affected regions within a matter of hours.

The team was provided with poles, conductors, accessories, hydra and polemasters and were equipped with Aska lights for restoration works during night

TPCODL appreciates and salutes these unsung heroes who work in the toughest working conditions by by following all safety protocols to ensure a reliable power supply. We recognize the importance of a reliable and resilient electricity distribution network, especially during severe weather events.


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