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Tata Asset Management launches four New Fund Offering focusing on Gold and Silver

Tata Asset Management launches four New Fund Offering focusing on Gold and Silver

Mumbai, 2ndJanuary, 2024: Tata Asset Management announces the launch of four new schemes i.e. 2 Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) & 2 Fund of Fund (FOF):

·         TataGoldETFanopen-EndedExchangeTradedFundreplicating/trackingdomesticpriceof Gold.NFOopensfrom2ndJanuary2024–9thJanuary2024

·         Tata Gold ETF Fund of Fund, an open-ended fund of fund scheme investing in Tata Gold Exchange Traded Fund. NFO opens from 2nd January 2024 –16th January 2024

·         TataSilverETFanopen-endedExchangeTradedFundreplicating/trackingdomesticpriceof Silver.NFOopensfrom2ndJanuary2024–9thJanuary2024

·         Tata Silver ETF Fund of Fund an open-ended fund of fund scheme investing in Tata Silver Exchange Traded Fund. NFO opens from 2nd January 2024 –16th January 2024

Investing in gold and silver aims to offer a compelling strategy for diversification of your portfolioandlong-termstability.Gold'sroleasahedgeagainstcurrencydevaluation,inflation, andmarketuncertainties,coupledwithitsscarcityandhistoricalsafe-havenstatus,helpsyouto preserve wealth effectively. Meanwhile, silver's surging demand in industries like EV technologyandgreenenergy,amidstasupplyshortage,signalspotentialpriceappreciation.As silver is mostly a by-product, its scarcity and expanding industrial uses make it an appealing investment.


These funds will provide investors an opportunity to take exposure in gold and silver respectively,asanassetclasswithlowtransactioncosts,highliquidityandlowexpenseratio, etc.

Speaking at the launch, Anand Vardarajan, Business Head - Institutional Clients, Banking, AlternateinvestmentsandProductstrategyatTataAssetManagementsaid,"Whenyoudon't knowtherisk,diversify.Whenyouknowtherisk,hedgeit.Preciousmetalslikegoldandsilver helpinvestorsinhedgingtheirriskandalsodiversifytheirportfolios.Itoffersabilitytohedge againstinflationandcurrencyfluctuationandatthesametime,beingdifferentlyco-related,it helpsinprovidinghidingspacewhenequityanddebtmarketsturnvolatile.IfmostoftheGoldis abovethegroundandonlylessistobeunearthed,thenthisbecomesagreatassetclasstobe owned. Limited supply coupled with rising demand for gold makes a great case to have it in one'sportfolio.


Silverhasornamental,decorativeandalsoindustrialusecases.Manyemergingindustrieshave seenrisinguseofsilverandnotsurprisinglyitisseenastherisingmetal.Bothgoldandsilvercan make a compelling allocation in an investor's portfolio giving a balance of diversification and providingsomehedge."


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