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136000 Rural People Benefited By TPNODL Mobile Health Dispenses

TPNODL's Mobile Health Dispensaries Benefit 136,000 Rural Residents in Odisha

Balasore: As a dedicated effort towards Corporate Social Responsibility, TP Northern Odisha Distribution Limited (TPNODL), a joint venture between Tata Power and the Government of Odisha, is unwavering in its commitment to provide essential healthcare services to local communities in the Keonjhar, Mayurbhanj, Balasore, Bhadrak, and Jajpur districts of Odisha. To ensure the well-being of the people, TPNODL has deployed four Mobile Health Dispensaries (MHDs) across these five districts. Health camps are organized in remote rural areas with the assistance of local Line Men and Junior Engineers from respective Electrical Divisions on a regular basis. Community members are informed about the camps well in advance of their scheduled dates in each location.

These camps feature a dedicated team of qualified MBBS doctors, pharmacists, and nurses provided by the company, offering free consultation services and medicines right at the doorsteps of communities where Public Health Centres (PHCs) or Community Health Centres (CHCs) are not accessible. The medical team addresses a range of health issues, including cold, cough, fever, headache, Dengue, Malaria, and other diseases. Furthermore, the medical team conducts Health Awareness Campaigns in rural villages across the five districts, educating over 40,000 community members on preventive measures for critical diseases.

TPNODL has organized more than 1050 health camps, providing treatment and free medicines to 96,000 patients. In total, this initiative has benefited a remarkable 136,000 rural residents. TPNODL remains committed to the holistic development of rural lives and society as a whole through various CSR activities.

Speaking on the subject, Sri Bhaskar Sarkar, CEO of TPNODL, stated, "Promoting the well-being of the communities around us has always been a key focus area for us. Following the Tata Organization's principles, we continuously strive to make a positive impact on the lives of people in Northern Odisha by offering vocational training, livelihood opportunities, employment generation, women's empowerment, medical facilities, and education for underprivileged children through our CSR programs."


Mob: 9237085131, 9937524018

Address - L - 21, Phase - 3, Dumuduma, Bhubaneswar, 751019

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